Direktes Feedback zur Immobilie für Immobilienmakler
Direktes Feedback zur Immobilie für Immobilienmakler

Property Feedback

Gauge your clients’ satisfaction.

Direktes Feedback zur Immobilie per Maklersoftware

Gather Customer Feedback – Quickly and Reliably

Discover what your clients love and where you can improve your service with Property Feedback– completely automated. Collect feedback on appointments, property brochures, or other real estate activities. It’s a win-win: your clients feel valued, and you gain insights to enhance your services. Let’s go: Achieve greater success with customer feedback.

Benefits of Property Feedback

Regularly obtaining customer feedback often gets overlooked in a busy real agent’s day. With Property Feedback, the feedback almost comes automatically.

  • What’s Your Image?

    Everyone does it: a quick Google search or asking around. Positive and credible reviews build trust and can be the decisive factor for clients choosing your real estate agency.

  • Service, Service, Service

    That’s what truly matters. Honest feedback on your service helps you identify weaknesses and take corrective measures. Provide your clients with the best service!

  • Focus on Your Client

    What are your client’s needs? What do they want? Simply ask them with Property Feedback – strengthening your customer relationships and building trust in your company.

  • Stay Ahead

    The competition never sleeps, but you’re always alert! Information from customer feedback gives you valuable insights into trends and emerging needs. Always stay one step ahead!

Long-Term Customer Relationships with Property Feedback

Learn more about Property Feedback.

Video onOffice Immofeedback

Which Versions Does It Come With?

Property Feedback is included in all three versions of onOffice enterprise:

  • onOffice enterprise pro
  • onOffice enterprise all-in
  • onOffice enterprise expert

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Lächelnder Mann mit Laptop und Handy informiert sich zur kostenlosen onOffice Testversion.

Training Videos for Property Feedback

Watch our training videos to find out how easy it is to collect and evaluate customer feedback.

Schulungsvideo Webinar Immofeedback Video 1 onOffice
Configure and use Property Feedback
Schulungsvideo Webinar Immofeedback Video 2 onOffice
Evaluate Property Feedback


We answer frequently asked questions about Property Feedback.

Property Feedback allows you to quickly and easily gather customer feedback via forms. You decide which services you want feedback on. Once created, Property Feedback can be sent with just a few clicks or fully automated.

It’s simple: Create multiple feedback forms for different services, such as property viewings or property listings. You can then send the form directly via email or use Property Feedback for post-appointment follow-ups. An email with a feedback form will be automatically sent to all linked contacts. The recipient fills out the questionnaire, and once completed, you receive the results via email.

Email dispatch, evaluation, and results can be found in the activities and agent’s log and can also be used for statistical evaluations.

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Lächelnde Frau vor Laptop entdeckt die vielfältigen Funktionen von onOffice enterprise.
Lächelnde Frau vor Laptop entdeckt die vielfältigen Funktionen von onOffice enterprise.

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