SEO für Immobilienmakler by onOffice
SEO für Immobilienmakler by onOffice

SEO for Real Estate Agents*

More Traffic, Better Leads.

*Currently only available in the following languages: German


Search Engine Optimization for Real Estate

When people search for a real estate agent, they turn to Google first: this is where the decision is made whether the potential customer lands on your site or a competitor’s. Search engine optimized real estate websites have the advantage: the more visible your website is on Google, the easier it is to be found. With effective search engine optimization (SEO), your company can appear at the top of search results.

The Result: More leads, more clients, and faster matches for your real estate listings.

Our SEO for Real Estate Agents at a Glance

Our SEO packages for real estate agents lay the foundation for your website’s success.

SEO & Content für Immobilienmakler von onOffice

Basic Optimization as a Foundation

We upgrade your website with technical measures and high-quality content. You decide which area we should focus on afterward.

  • Focus on Technical SEO

    We enhance your website with technical improvements and monitor its development.

  • Focus on Content

    Every month, you receive high-quality content tailored to your goals.

How Real Estate SEO & Content Can Benefit You

Improve your ranking and maximize your visibility.

  • Pole Position in Rankings

    Technical optimizations and quality content put you ahead.

  • Convince Your Target Audience

    Our content marketing for real estate agents specifically addresses the search interests of your target group.

  • Generate New Clients

    Turn your website into a powerful acquisition tool.

  • Long-Term Optimization

    We optimize your website for sustained success.

Get a Free SEO Quick Audit Now

What is the current state of your website? Does it meet Google’s latest requirements? Find out easily with our free, personalized SEO Quick Audit. We analyze various SEO parameters on your website, such as titles and descriptions, text quality, and keyword density. The result: at least 5 actionable recommendations to help you improve your ranking. Implementation is up to you.

 Benefits of the SEO Quick Audit

We analyze your website – for greater visibility on Google.

  • Personalized & Free Audit

    Just as you expect from us: Each audit is tailored specifically to our clients.

  • Expert Team

    Our online marketing experts conduct a comprehensive analysis of your social media profiles.

  • Immediate Actionable Recommendations

    Need improvements? We provide you with concrete recommendations.

  • Implementation by Professionals?

    Achieve top-tier content with our social media packages – we’re here to support you.

Get your free SEO Quick Audit now

All you have to do is fill out the form and enter the URL of the website you want to have analyzed. We will then create a customized SEO Quick Audit for your website, including recommendations for action.

I want the SEO Quick Audit

How Does the SEO Package Work?

Our SEO for real estate agents is divided into two phases.

  • SEO & Content für Immobilienmakler Grundlagenptimierung

    Basic Optimization

    We start every package with a basic optimization: bringing your website up to date in the first few months. This includes:

    • Technical measures (keyword analysis, updating titles and descriptions)
    • Creation of high-quality content
  • SEO & Content für Immobilienmakler Folgeoptimierung

    Follow-Up Optimization

    For the subsequent optimization, choose your focus: technical SEO, content, or both? We will keep you regularly updated on progress.

Overview of SEO Packages

We consider current SEO trends for real estate and plan all steps with a long-term view. This way, we continuously build on the results already achieved.

Before you decide, we’re happy to discuss your requirements and advise you on the right package scope.

SEO basic

Your entry into search engine optimization

€ 159,– *

  • Optimization of fundamentals
  • Focus of optimization Tech SEO (Conception + 1 hr technical optimization each month) and / or Content (ø 1 text per month)
  • Personal assistance
  • Checklist meeting (approx. 45 minutes)
  • Target group analysis
  • Competition analysis
  • Index management
  • Structured data
  • GDPR-compliant tracking for SEO control of your website
  • Reporting via dashboard
  • Customized content (10 Texts and images)
  • AI-based text optimization
  • Page redirects during website migration (a prerequisite for this is an onOffice website)

*monthly, plus VAT
Combo package of Tech-SEO and Content: + € 60,– monthly, plus VAT
24 months minimum contract duration

SEO plus

Ideal for real estate agencies in regions with low or medium competition

€ 219,– *

  • Optimization of fundamentals
  • Focus of optimization Tech SEO (Conception + 2 hrs technical optimization each month) and / or Content (ø 2 texts per month)
  • Personal assistance
  • Checklist meeting (approx. 45 minutes)
  • Target group analysis
  • Competition analysis
  • Index management
  • Structured data
  • GDPR-compliant tracking for SEO control of your website
  • Reporting via dashboard
  • Customized content (10 Texts and images)
  • AI-based text optimization
  • Page redirects during website migration (a prerequisite for this is an onOffice website)

*monthly, plus VAT
Combo package of Tech-SEO and Content: + € 60,– monthly, plus VAT
24 months minimum contract duration

SEO pro

Our solution for real estate agencies in regions with high competition

starting from € 319,– *

  • Optimization of fundamentals
  • Focus of optimization: Tech SEO or Content (customized)
  • Personal assistance
  • Checklist meeting (approx. 45 minutes)
  • Target group analysis
  • Competition analysis
  • Index management
  • Structured data
  • GDPR-compliant tracking for SEO control of your website
  • Reporting via dashboard
  • Customized content (10 Texts and images)
  • AI-based text optimization
  • Page redirects during website migration (a prerequisite for this is an onOffice website)

*monthly, plus VAT
24 months minimum contract duration

SEO & Content Free Consultation

Get Your Free Consultation

Sichtbarkeit bei Google erhöhen mit SEO von onOffice
Sichtbarkeit bei Google erhöhen mit SEO von onOffice
SEO & Content für eigene Maklerwebsite von onOffice

Thinking About a New Website?

The best SEO is worthless without a good website. Similarly, a website needs good SEO for real estate agents to be successful.

Our onOffice WP-Websites provide real estate agents with a comprehensive solution that includes all the necessary features for property acquisition and effective marketing.

To Real Estate Websites

Discover Our Online Marketing Solutions

  • Social Media

    Use social media as a powerful marketing channel.

  • Social Ads

    Paid advertisements on social media for an extra boost in reach.

  • Online Marketing Consulting

    After an in-depth analysis, you receive your personal action plan.

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