Kundenzufriedenheitsumfragen für Immobilienmakler mit der Maklersoftware von onOffice enterprise
Kundenzufriedenheitsumfragen für Immobilienmakler mit der Maklersoftware von onOffice enterprise

Utilize Online Feedback as a Path to Success

Gather customer feedback, strengthen long-term customer relationships, and become a more successful real estate agent.

Kundenzufriedenheit abfragen mit dem Online-Feedback von onOffice enterprise

Gathering Feedback from Customers

Satisfied clients are more likely to recommend you as their real estate agent! With the online feedback tool from onOffice enterprise, you can create customized surveys to measure your clients’ satisfaction.

Understand your clients’ needs and requirements to optimize your real estate services.

Benefits of Online Feedback

Achieve great results with minimal effort.

  • Enhanced Customer Loyalty

    The perfect tool to gauge customer perception! Have clients evaluate different marketing steps to improve them. Survey results can be statistically analyzed.

  • Crisis Management

    Avoid negative reviews on public platforms. Well-placed surveys help you identify dissatisfied clients early and respond quickly.

  • Usability

    Create your survey with just a few clicks. Clients receive a responsive online form that they can conveniently fill out on any device.

  • Security

    GDPR-compliant: Thanks to the clear assignment of surveys and results, they cannot be tampered with afterward. Each survey has a unique ID and a set duration with an expiration date.

Which versions does it come with?

The online feedback feature is included in all three versions of onOffice enterprise.

  • onOffice enterprise pro
  • onOffice enterprise all-in
  • onOffice enterprise expert

Request a Free Trial

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Lächelnder Mann mit Laptop und Handy informiert sich zur kostenlosen onOffice Testversion.
Lächelnder Mann mit Laptop und Handy informiert sich zur kostenlosen onOffice Testversion.

A Small Tool with a Big Impact

The online feedback feature is independent of specific properties, requiring only a contact link. Elements can be added with a click and rearranged with drag-and-drop, making it easy to create various surveys.

Video zum Online-Feedback von onOffice enterprise: Grundlagen für Immobilienmakler
Activation and basics
Video zum Online-Feedback von onOffice enterprise: Freie Antworten definieren für Immobilienmakler
Free answer option
Video zum Online-Feedback von onOffice enterprise: Bewertungsskalen definieren für Immobilienmakler
Rating scales
Video zum Online-Feedback von onOffice enterprise: Versand der Umfrage an Kunden
Publication and dispatch
Video: Auswertung Online-Feedback: Skala in Excel für Immobilienmakler
Evaluation of the results


We answer frequently asked questions about the online feedback feature.

Yes, you can incorporate satisfaction surveys into any email templates using a macro and send them to clients.

No, once a survey has started, it cannot be edited. This prevents unintentional tampering with the results.

No, property feedback is designed to collect specific feedback about a particular property, while online feedback is intended for gathering general feedback from your clients.

Explore Our Software

Discover all the features that onOffice enterprise has to offer!

All Features

Lächelnde Frau vor Laptop entdeckt die vielfältigen Funktionen von onOffice enterprise.
Lächelnde Frau vor Laptop entdeckt die vielfältigen Funktionen von onOffice enterprise.

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